Are you dealing with a narcissist ?


I am going to give you some examples for you compare your own life to so you can tell if you have a narcissistic parent.  My ex was also one (I ended up marrying my mother.....strange, right?  I should have noticed what he was and ran for the hills, but I got 2 amazing kids out of it, so I can't complain too much!), so I can also write another post about having an narcissist as an significant other.

Here is a neat graphic that really explains the cycle of abuse from a narcissist from  Check out the page, you might a whole lot actually describes how you're being treated.  Abuse isn't only physical.

I think emotional abuse can be way more fucked up than physical, because sometimes, you don't even realize you're being abused....but you sure can feel it.

Here are some other terms on my favorite page called Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers you can check out and see if they apply.  The term "gaslighting" has literally changed my life!  My mother is the Queen of Gaslighting.  Once I read that, everything started to make sense. 
This page will give you LOADS of info to go on, too:

Today my mother sent me a card in the mail, stating "I am truly that you had a rotten childhood.  I will take the blame for everything. Love ya (then her first initial)".  That's not an apology.  She says stuff like that so I will just shut up.

I can make this blog longer at another time, but for now, I am going to leave it at this. 

If you are dealing with a narcissist parent I urge you to go online and do loads of research yourself.  There is SOOOOO much information out there, right at your fingertips.  You will have a weight lifted off of your shoulders after you do, I promise :)

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