Will this ever end??



I am about ready to snap.  So today........the lovely lady from down the street put a letter on my car (my mother) and said she will never change, and she WOULD go to counseling with me, but it better be "cheap or free" (when she has LOADS of money to spend on all the shit she buys, but not on our relationship), and how I NEVER gave her any indication that I had a terrible childhood  and was always under the impression I was happy (WHAAA????? Fucking gaslighting, again), and that she will never forgive my son for calling her names (her neighbor lied and told her my son called her names).  And now the ball is my court. 

This was AFTER I left her a message and said I am done with her.

But she always has to get the last word in.

And now put it all on me to make the choice......but thing is, I ALREADY INFORMED HER OF MY CHOICE. 

I am not going to back to her.  I am done.

Esp. after what she said in this letter.....

I told my husband, I have to look at it this way: She is mentally ill and will say all sorts of messed up crap to make herself feel better.  I will treat her as if she's mentally retarded, because in reality, she kinda is. 

I want to dispute all the stupid crap in her letter, BUT what will that do?  What will that change?  What will that help? 

Not a damn thing. 

So then here I am, stuck with doing nothing.

And that's okay.  I don't need to explain to her that some of what she said were blatant lies, or that some of what she was messed up and no mother or grandmother should act like that, or that she's just freaking nuts. 

Know why? 

Cause it won't change anything.

I am just done.  This is not an "argument" with her, this is the end.  The end of our relationship. 

It was so hard to think of that in the beginning, but now?  Its getting pretty damn clear that I am better off this way, and so is my family. 

I just wish she'd leave me alone. 

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