My Day After BM

So, a half an hour after we get to the vet's office, my mom calls.  I let it go to voicemail because DUH, I am busy.  And she knew 100% where we were, so I couldn't not understand why she was calling.  So, I check my voicemail and found out that she needs to go TODAY to get a haircut.

*sigh*  Lately, she's been trying to take up as much of my time as possible.  Like all week.  My husband was on vacation and she kept calling me every single day to take her somewhere.  "We have plans MA, go away!"  So most days, I just ignored her calls.  She did it on purpose to be an asshole.  She KNEW he was on vacation.  She KNEW we had plans practically every single day.  She did have a doctor's appt. one of those days, so why not save up all her running errands for that day?  Nope.  She had to keep calling to "oh I need to run to pick up this or that".  So I'd up picking up her "items" she needed and dropping it off to her.  She punished me by not paying me for her items.

That's how mother works.  Do as she says, and she will do what's right.  Do it differently than she says, she will punish you.

A couple of those days, I'd send my son to go with her instead of me (he was being punished for something--so I said "Now you have to cart grandma around! HA!"--it's a joke punishment, but for me, it's like NOT being punished LOL).  And she acted like it was okay to him, but she did things to punish us---like she pays us every single month for the gas she uses when I have to take her places: in steaks and burgers from the grocery store--so since I didn't take her, my son came home steakless and burgerless.  "If your mom had come with, I'd know what to buy her!" she said to him....BUT she bought herself and her cats steaks.

So today, I took BM home, after TWO HOURS of having to spend time with her humiliating us, mother needed her haircut.  NOW.  So I called her back when we got home and said "Fine, I'll pick you up."  My son came with us, and she said "Oh, when I am done, I need to go to the store to get some shirts."  She literally just bought shirts two weeks ago.  Who needs that much clothes?  So she went in to get her hair cut, we went to go get gas, came back and I went inside with her where it was cool (It was like 87 today and we have no air-conditioning in the car).  I look out, my son motions me to come here, so I went out to see what he wanted.

He told me and I went back in.  "Mom, we can't go get you shirts, because he reminded me that he and his brother have plans to go to the park (there is a HUGE Pokemon Go place downtown).  He needs me to cut his hair, he's going to take a shower, and I have to wash their clothes before they go, as well.

She replies while her hairdresser is finishing up her hair,"Well, I have plans too.  So he'll have to wait."

I was like ???  "Well, you just came up with this idea to go get shirts when we pulled in, and they've had this plan all day.  I just forgot about it.  We'll go tomorrow."

"It will be too hot tomorrow."  Now she's just playing games.  What a dumb thing to say.

"Ma, it's 87 degrees out.  It's hot right now.  Tomorrow will be no different.  We'll go tomorrow."  Then I started making jokes to the hairdresser, because I know mother, she doesn't want to fuss in front of strangers.

Now, I have to find a way to be busy tomorrow so I don't have to take her anywhere LMAO  I already have to take her on Friday to a doctor's appointment, so yeah.  Her shirts can wait.

But yeah, as I wrote this, I realized, mother doesn't have to be grouchy to be back to her "asshole ways", I literally forgot about the mind games she plays (sad how a few months of her being a "good girl" and I forget about her crap).  She doesn't play those when she's in the manic-goldenchild state.  Fun fun fun.

OH, as I am writing this, my doctor's office called and I am on a waiting list to see them, and a spot opened up tomorrow!!  Whoo hoo!  Looks like mother's shirts will have to wait.

MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!  Saved by the bell (or the telephone ring...).

But now that we're back into "manipulation mode", this will be just the beginning.  She'll get angrier when I am not doing what she wants, she'll get pissier when she can't have her way RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT!  She'll threaten, berate, and punish, more and more and more.  Yay.  So much to look forward to!   Oh well, I am stronger, wiser, and I can handle it.  Soon, her license will be taken away, and so will her car.  Pretty soon, she'll have NO way to control us anymore, and she'll be left with "I better be good or else!"  Because the "or else" will be "find someone else to take care of you."  Granted, that will only come if she's SUPER evil, but I know my mom, and she's more than capable of great evil.  MUCH more than capable. 

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