My Day With BM

BUT FIRST, AN UPDATE: So, I am not 100% sure if I said this already, and I am too lazy to check LOL  But my mom has reverted back.  In the past 2-3 weeks, she's back to her bitchy self.  All that "OMG you're the best daughter ever" golden-child bullshit is eroded.  That's okay, I expected it.  It's AMAZING to me how she can literally IN ONE DAY go from manic-goldenchild-happy narc mother to angry-scapegoat-asshole.  BUT I will say, the change isn't 100% from night to day (or day to night?), it's kind of lingering between the two.  I think she's slightly even reverted back to the semi-golden-child mood because she's scared of her health.  She's quickly deteriorating and I think it's scaring the pants off of her.

See, after her surgery (she had a pacemaker put in) she felt so much better and thought she was invincible and all that fear wore off, she she thought she stopped needing me, and turned into asshole-mom.  NOW, just a month later after her surgery, she's having issues that aren't going away and new issues, and she's scared again.

This brings us to today: she recently hired me out without my permission to take BM to the vet (apparently she needs her rabies shots).  Okay, okay, it's BM's dog and cat.  But still.  And of course I said yes, because a) what can I say??  and b) it's for animals.  And I will do anything for someone's pets.  They can't help their owner is a weenie.

So, this bring us to the vet's office.  Good.  Fucking.  God.  What the hell did I sign on to do?  I will have to say, I was being a little bossy AF today, because BM is a white trash and has NO IDEA how to handle herself in public.  You just don't let your damn dog run full length on a leash to go and bum rush people who don't know your dog.  I had to eventually say "Hey, why don't you relax and let me take her, you have a bad back."  And I parked that dog's ass in between my legs and rubbed her chest so she'd stay put.....which is how you handle a hyper ass dog who wants to sniff everyone's child and cat.

Let me say something: if you have a dog, and you go to the vet, DO NOT let it run up to random cat cages and stick their faces in there.  That's rude as hell, because any cat is super stressed out at the vet and a random idiot dog doesn't make them feel better.  But apparently BM doesn't get this and some lady was freaking out because she wasn't pulling the dog back when the woman was telling her to.  I had to grab the leash instead.  *sigh*

I love dogs, but I also know how to handle my dogs.  And unless someone asks to pet my dog, I do not let them go over and bother strangers.

So, BM's dog, is very, VERY friendly, she loves other dogs.  So I asked person who had this mama pit bull "Does your dog like other dogs?"  He said "Oh yes, she's a lover," so I let BM's sniff this dog's muzzle, and vice versa....and BM SCREAMS "NO!! NO NO NO NO NO!"  Everyone was staring.  He said "You don't have to worry about my dog because she's a pitbull."  I looked at BM and said "Yeah, nobody is growling here, settle down."  BM replies "Oh I've heard BAAAAAAD things about pits and I don't want my dog near them!" 

I was so embarrassed.  I looked at the guy and said "Oh my god, I am so sorry."  He just waved us off.  I felt so horrible.  I said to BM "German Shepards actually can be a very aggressive breed as a whole, but I never care if one gets near my dog unless someone is growling.  Each dog is different.  Shar Peis I hear are assholes, too, but look at your dog, she's one of the friendliest dogs I know."

BM replies "Yeah, but the pits behind me want to tear through the fence to kill my dog, so I don't like them."

I said "Yeah, but those are those dogs.  That dog over there is sweet.  Breed doesn't make a dog an asshole."  She just lost her train of thought then and then started talking to someone else.

And when I say talking, I mean practically YELLING, and saying the most ignorant things you can imagine.


THIS is who my mother is BFF's with.  THIS right here.  Once she told my son's best friend "Oh, you're from Korea?  Yeah, I thought you were some kind of Asian." Then proceeded to pull her eyes up in a slant and make "Asian" sounds at him.


And she LITERALLY pissed off my all time favorite vet at the vet's office, also.  He repeated to her 50 times, "WE DO NOT SHAVE CATS HERE!"  She kept saying "Can't you just shave her?"  Good fucking god, I wanted to scream!  When she left for a "smoke", I said to the vet "I am so sorry you're so frustrated with her, she doesn't listen to anyone."  He laughed and apologized for being frustrated.

I can't tell my mom what an ignorant twat she was being, or how she humiliated us, or how I wanted to just drive away with her pets and leave her there because my mom's head is so far up her ass right now.  And I mean up BM's ass.  BM used to be the one who bummed cigarettes off my mom, beg or money, ask for food constantly, need rides every single day....but now, she has her mom living with her, and my mom stopped smoking and never gives her any money AND she can't drive.  So, BM practically ignores my mom.  She has no use for her.  And my mom is acting like a lost puppy dog without her to bitch about.

So if I bash BM to her, and say I'll never take her anywhere ever again?  My mom will have a fit and it cause her to badmouth me to everyone (I've had enough of that).  So, I have to keep my mouth shut and just find ways to say "no" in a roundabout way if she does this to me again.  Because I will NOT be driving BM around town for ANYTHING.  I only agreed because this was for her pets.  And like it said, it's not their fault their mother is whackadoodle. 

So, I will continue this blog in the next one, because after I was done with BM, then my mom started to pull some shit.  Not seriously bad stuff, just being annoying.  Like usual.

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