So, she's getting (another) dog....

So, today is day something or other on my no contact: part deux journey (6 maybe?), and our mutual friend called me and told me yesterday that mother wants to get a dog.  Then she asked her again today and sure enough, mother is getting a dog.  Um....does she not remember that the last dog she had she could not handle so she gave her to me?  Wtf?

Oh well.  I was first going to contact animal control on Facebook and the other places in town to warn them about her (and to tell them she's renting and to make sure she gets the permission from her landlord first), but my husband said "Just don't get involved.  Let her do whatever she wants.  If she gets a dog, she gets one.  We're not taking it when she doesn't want it anymore, so she'll be stuck finding it a home when that time comes."  And he's right.  I am just going to stay away from this one.

Eventually, I'd like our mutual friend and I to stop talking about my mom all together.  But it's fresh right now, so I get it.  But if it becomes weeks and weeks of this?  Or months?  I am going to have to start changing the subject on her until she stops.  If she doesn't, then I will have to tell her straight out: "I am not your friend only to talk about my mom, I'd rather hear what's going on in your life instead."  And to eventually "I just don't want to even know what she's up to".

I will say, it will be hard to 100% ignore my mother, as she lives a block away from me, but I'll deal.  The first step we're taking is getting privacy fencing to put in front of my chain link fencing (Lowe's has 6x8 pieces for only $30!!).  I only need a few, but that way her flying monkeys can keep away from our business, as can she.

But yeah, I need to just ignore this and stop caring about anything she does, period.  This is only the beginning of going no contact and I need to start off on the right foot and make the right choices this time.  This is a test of my ability to do this, and I am glad my hubby set me on the right path.

Because staying no contact doesn't just mean not talking to your mother, it also means staying out of her life, period.   And I just need to recite this old Polish proverb on a daily basis (or print it out and put it on my wall):

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