Oh Giggle! A narc threat!

So today I learned that my batshit crazy (funny thing: I wrote catshit instead of batshit, though both do work) cousin was going to sue me because she thought that her job would find my old blog (somehow magically??) and figure out I was talking about her (somehow magically??) and fire her for endangering children. 

The joke on my old blog was "I almost cut your son's finger off, and you tried to drown me when I was a kid, so we're square, right?" 


Oh giggle!  *eyeroll*  Someone would get fired over that?  Really?  C'mon.  But for real, let's break down this narcissistic threat and see it for what it is:

  1. First of all, she's pretending that anyone would know who's blog it was.  My full name was never attached to my blog.  Nobody can tell who you are by a first name.  And nobody that knew me was interested in my blog.  My blog was mainly about my homeschooling journey (though this was back when I used to use my blog as a personal diary of sorts didn't keep it about just one thing).  And my ONLY readers were those who also homeschooled.  These readers did not know me, they just knew what I wrote. My own friends had no interest in reading my blog because all I mainly wrote about was homeschooling, and they did not homeschool their kids.
  2. Second, she pretended that people would figure out who she was.  That's a little arrogant, don't you think?  Why would anyone on earth care who my stupid cousin was?  Since above, you can see that nobody who actually knew me in real life read my blog, why would anyone know (or even care for one second) who my family is?  It's stupid to even think that.  Does she think so much of herself that she would be so interesting that they'd have to do some research to figure out who she is?  I mean, that'd be PRETTY hard, don't you think?  I mean, it's easy to find out info on who you're talking to online, but a cousin who doesn't have Facebook or any social media?  That'd be LITERALLY private detective work.  Someone would have to hire a PRIVATE DETECTIVE to figure out who she was.  Who in the hell would do that?  LMAO  *sigh* 
  3. Thirdly, she said that a joke SHE SAID TO ME FIRST would be taken literally and people would assume she's a child murderer.  First off, when you read that joke above, what does that conjure up in your mind?  A child murderer?  Or an exaggeration of real circumstances?  I would think the latter because doesn't everyone have a story in their family about a brother or a sister "trying to kill a sibling" or some other exaggerated joke?  I hear this all the time.  I have even had TWO friends who have said their sisters chased them around with a butcher knife while washing dishes.  TWO!!!  One is my mutual friend with my mother.  And nobody thinks of them as child murderers! LMAO  I was babysitting my cousin's son (he was my little buddy) and he ran down a dark hallway to get into my room (I was a teenager).  I chased after him, ran in front of him and closed my door.  What I did not realize was that I shut the door on his finger!  And he needed stitches to have it fixed.  There's the joke about me cutting his fingers off.  And when I was little, my cousin was holding me in a lake and accidentally dropped me.  It was murky, so she could not see me and had to scramble to find me.  When she did, I was fine.  And she made the joke that she tried to drown me.  Thing is, she knows it was joke, since she's the one who said it to me, yet she's acting as if I am a liar and this whole incident never happened.  Can anyone say GASLIGHTING?
  4. And lastly, she did what every person with narcissistic personality disorder does when things come out about them that doesn't paint them in a pretty light: threaten to sue.  Because all good narcs think that they can bully their way in life.  They think that your truth is a lie or should be kept hidden.  What if she HAD tried to drown me and her school found out about it and she got fired?  She still could not sue because it would had been the truth.  And what kind of school would fire a teacher with seniority over a blog that nobody did any investigation into first?   That's ridiculous.  It's just an empty threat from a empty-headed and empty-hearted narcissist.  That's not how the world works. 

    Now, had she been fired over it?  Had exactly happened what she assumed might happen and her school just BAM! fired her over my blog?  She'd have NO reason to sue me, and every reason to sue for her job back (and I would had testified on her behalf, because DUH,  a) I am not a liar and b) I am not an evil, vindictive person who would have just let that just go--though she is, and isn't that the way of the narc?  To assume everyone would act just like them?).  Narcs all threaten things when they get scared that they can't quiet us.  And here is the reason why it can normally scare the shit out of us:

    They are capable of anything. 
But when dealing with being open about my family's abuse, I come prepared.  I do my research first and make sure that what I say and how I say it is legally okay.  Now granted, it's not always perfect.  There are some things I may have to one day take down or not outrightly declare (like my memoir that I'm working on), but for the most part, I am fine.  And if she wanted to sue me, I'd be fine with that.  She'd be the one publicly declaring all what I've written about her was about her.  She'd be the reason anyone would know who she is, not me.  And that?  I'd giggle at that.  Because, what would that accomplish?  Silencing me?  HA.  This blog right here is proof that that won't happen.  It's been going four years strong.  The reason my cousin even found out about my old blog is because I stupidly shared a post I wrote and her daughter went snooping on it and found my blogs I wrote about my family.

And if they found out about this blog, and I had to close it?  I'd open another.  And another.  And another.  And my memoir would come out and they'd have NO idea because my name won't be on it.  My family can try as they might to get me to quit telling my stories, but no matter how much they try, it won't work.

I will never be bullied into silence.  Never.

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