Dear Narcissistic Mother

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

I hate to tell you.  But the only people that actually love you and do so unconditionally, 

are your cats.

And that's only because they don't know any better.  

If they know how you lie, how you gaslight those you are supposed to love, or how irresponsible you are with their lives, they wouldn't love you either.  

But they have no clue.  So they will go on loving you blindly, because animals are capable of what you are not: honest and unconditional love.  

And that says that cats make better people than narcissists do. 

Actually all animals make better people than you do.

And that makes you lower than an animal.  

If you ever want to know how I truly feel about you, know that I love my dogs and cats and your cats and even stray animals and wild animals, more than I will ever love you. 

I care about your humanity (what little of it you actually have), but I don't care about you as a person.

I care about your quality of life.  So when the day comes, and your dementia takes over your brain so much so that you need to live in a home, I will be there to help you get into one, because I am your only child and it's my job to do these things.

But I still won't love you.  

And that's 100% your fault.  

I taught myself what you never did: to never give my heart to anyone who can't love me back and to not give my time or my thoughts to someone who hurts me, especially when done intentionally.

You are toxic.  You are a liar.  You are not welcome in my life or my heart.

And I am better off without you in my life. 

Girl Lost

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