Will this ever be over?  It's always something new.   Some new symptom or issue.  For the past 3-4 days it's been extreme nausea and diarrhea.  I still have a vaguely stuffy nose, but no coughing or anything.  Just now this extreme nausea.  It's like morning sickness, because it usually goes away at night and it gets worse with exertion and strong smells or flavors.  It reminds me of being pregnant.  I have to force myself to eat in order to not feel a thousand times worse, too.  Because the more hungry I get, the more nauseous I get.  And the more nauseous I get, the less I want to eat and the more hungry I get.  It's a vicious cycle!!  

My mother is still coughing, my kids are still congested a bit, and my hubby still gets sore throats, just as I do.  I've also been getting headaches and a general feeling of tiredness and malaise.  At least with other sicknesses when you start to feel better, you actually start to feel better.  With this, it's like you can get a few hours of feeling better, but then you wake up feeling like shit all over again.  But I haven't actually felt better in days.  

I am so freaking tired.  And everything makes me want to puke.  And I still have to cook food for people and get things done (today we went to the grocery store, first time in almost 2 weeks).  Speaking of that, I've been avoiding my mother as much as I can because every time she sees me she never asks if I am okay, she just asks me to do something for her.  Do this, do that, get me this, get me that, blah blah blah.  It's not about her being sick, either.  It's just her normal self.  She didn't quit smoking at all during covid, either.  Who gets sick and keeps on smoking??  I never did.  Though this year is 20 years since I've quit, so I am super proud of that.  I just want to feel better from this bullshit.  I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  Ugh.  

Nobody talks about the mental toll it takes on you, either.  I finally feel well enough to not feel like I am losing my mind anymore, but I did get to that point.  I thought I was going insane.  Feel bad mixed with not being able to leave my room due to feeling so bad...good grief.  That was not fun.  The negative thought spirals were awful.  

But that's better now, thank goodness.  I've also got to spend some time with my chickens the past two days.  I thought they'd forget about me, since I couldn't go outside to see them at all for so long.  But they were happy to see me and all took turns sitting in my lap LOL  

Well, I am too tired to keep typing.  I must go rest.  Let's hope we all feel a lot better soon, because this is driving me batty.  


Monday and Tuesday were okay for me (except for the diarrhea, headache, sore throat and fatigue).  Then Tuesday around 6:30 pm the fever started.  And the deep body aches (the worst I've ever had).  And the chills and the burning skin.  Those persisted all day yesterday, and I could barely eat.  But then my body got angry with me and tried to make me puke from not eating for almost 24 hours.  So, I ate some saltines, which helped immensely.  Then I could finally eat my burger from the day before.  That helped a lot.  But the fever lasted all night, even though I was taking Tylenol, then four hours later ibuprofen, then six hours later, more Tylenol, then four hours later more ibuprofen.  It kept my fever low-grade, but never kicked it completely out.  The chills were horrible all night long.  But today, I feel so much better, and my fever is finally gone.  But now my throat feels raw and I can barely speak.  

So my mother looks me a little bit ago and said "How do you know you even have covid??  How do you know it's not just a cold?"  She knows we have rapid tests.  What a stupid thing to say.  Why would my husband take five fucking days off of work just for a stupid cold??  Yet, she's telling all her friends we have covid.  She just wanted me to think that by running out and buying her stupid cigarettes that I must be well enough to do so.  I AM NOT.  But she was having a fucking fit about it, so I had to go.  Both my kids have covid, too, so they can't go anywhere.  Never once did she say "Oh, I am so sorry for asking you to go get me cigarettes, I know you're sick."  No, it was constantly asking us to go, as though there was no issue with us going at all.  She's so freaking selfish.  

My youngest sounds like total shit.  My oldest only has very slight symptoms, and hopefully they won't develop into anything more.  But I looked at her after she said that and said "You know, you're next.  Most likely you will get it, too."  She replies "Oh no, not me.  I am too ornery to get it."  What she means is "I am too badass to get it", which is how she sees herself.  And maybe she won't.  That can certainly happen.  And I would prefer she not get it, as I wouldn't wish this on anyone.  But also, I just plain don't want to fucking take care of her.  She has too many other health issues, and mix those with covid?  Good grief.  No thank you.  

But for her to downplay our symptoms like that, it just pisses me off.  Then again, I remember that she's a potato.  And #potatoesgonnapotate.  I can't ask her to be anything more than what she is.  And then my anger fades away because why do I care if a potato thinks I'm exaggerating how sick we've been?  She can suck it.  It's like caring that a child doesn't believe you when you tell them something.  They're a kid.  What do kids know?  And what do potatoes know?  Not a damn thing.  That's what.  

So, I give this experience 1 out of five stars, would not recommend.  

UPDATE: Mother now says she's getting symptoms.  Which sucks for everyone.  Sigh. 

So, Mr. Brooks tested positive today for Covid-19.  I also woke up sick, so I have to take a test tomorrow.  I feel actually sick, rather than allergy sick (which is the only kind of sick I've been in two years, other than gastroenteritis a few months ago with some nasty puking).  So, I am pretty sure I have it, too.  And I am slightly furious.  

See, we take ALL the precautions still: mask wearing, hand sanitizing, staying away from people.  Well, Mr. Brooks still has to go to work, but nobody at work as covid right now, he didn't get it from there.  The only thing I can say is my oldest son, who has all the shots, never wears a mask anymore.  So, he possibly could have gotten it (though from where, I do not know), had no symptoms and then gave it to us.  But it doesn't make any sense either, as he doesn't hang out anywhere.  Other than recently at my ex-husband's house.  Which, I guess, he could have gotten it from them.  But that was a week ago.  You'd think it would have had a longer incubation time, so I doubt it was that, either.  Two entire years we've avoided this.  And now we've finally got it.  Dammit.  

Just like the Mystery of the Gastroenteritis Bug (that my mother got first) we could never figure out, we can't figure this out, either.  How annoying.  


So anyways, mother comes up and touches me and I immediately shake her off (though I always do, because I HATE her touching me and I am pretty sure she knows it) and say "Don't touch me, I'm sick.  You need to stay away from me."  She replies with "Oh, I know", which is her new thing now.  She will stand in the doorway, block you from getting in somewhere and I say "Please move, you're blocking the way" and she says "Oh, I know".  Um, okay.  Then after she touches me she says "With you two being sick, you want me to clean up and wash the dishes?"  I politely said "No thank you."  She then puts on her baby voice and says "Oh, okay.  I guess you don't want me to do them then." *frowny face*  Which annoys me to a great deal as she damn well knows I'll say no.  So, I said the truth.  Granted, I should have ignored her.  She baited me into this conversation and I took it.  

Me: "Yup.  I like my dishes to be clean."

Her: "I guess I don't clean them well enough for you."  *baby voice*  *frowny face*

Me: "You know you don't.  You've been told a billion times.  I might as well put them away dirty right now, they'd be the same amount of clean."  Granted, I said that last sentence after she shut the bathroom door. 

She baited me and I took the bait and ran with it.  I know, next time just walk away from her.  But I was getting tea for my sore throat and I should not be run out of my own kitchen.  I am run out of it most days because of this kind of shit right here.  I leave my room, she says something stupid to me, so I hide from her as much as I can.  I fill her meds, feed her meals, and then hide from her the rest of the day.  It's not fair.  I just want to her to shut the fuck up about stupid shit and instead, just act like a normal person.  But I know she's not normal so I can't expect that of her.  She's a potato.  And #potatoesgonnapotate.  I just need to change the subject instead and say "Oh wow, look at what that bird is doing.  Oh, never mind, it flew away!"  She'll lose her train of thought usually and I am off the hook about answering her.  

Next time I'll do that.  

For now, I'm just gonna watch some Netflix, drink my sprite, eat whatever, and me and Mr. Brooks can just chill out and take naps and feel better.  Let our kids do all the work for once.  MUAHAHAHAHA!  Sigh.  It takes their parents getting covid for them to wash the dishes.  What a story to tell their children one day LOL  

Remember when I said she has stopped doing this?  Turns out, she hasn't.  And this reiterates my point: if you give them an OUNCE of control, they will use it for nefarious purposes. 

Raise your hand if you see a mess in your house and get pissed about it.  Raise your hand if you just cleaned up this room and now it's a mess again.  Raise your hand if you sometimes (or all the time) feel like you're the only person who "cleans up around here".  Now, raise your hand if your mother also says these very same things or said them while you were growing up.  If you raised your hand for most of these things, then you, my friend, like myself, have inherited some fleas.  

Fleas are narcissistic behaviors that have jumped off our parents and now have infected us.  Because the truth is: life is messy, and the mess will never stop and you're not the only person who cleans up (or, if you are, you certainly do not need to bitch about it).  I say this with love, because I do this, too.  It was only after taking away my mother's ability to bitch about having to be so "put upon" to clean things up at our house that I realized just how much I do the same shit.  And that has pushed me to stop.  When I find myself opening my mouth to say these things, I quickly think "Oh shit, would my mother say this?"  And if the answer is yes, I don't say it.  Granted, I do that about a lot of things, which limits what comes out of my mouth, which may or may not be healthy, but at least it's stopped me from being a "Complainy Jane" or a "Bitchy Bertha" or a "Nagging Nelly".  Because I am not my mother and refuse to sound like her.  

So, we've been working our asses off building up our chicken coop and securing the area from predators (namely, my mothers old-ass cat who thinks our chickens are wild birds).  And as we're doing so, I've made a junk pile right outside of the fencing, including various bricks and plastic sand bags, etc.  And so yesterday, she got it up her ass to climb through all this shit while yelling and screaming at my oldest son (WHO, by the way, has taken lately to having conversations with my mother about all our plans for homesteading.....which he quickly realized was a mistake because all she does is down the ideas...he's her scapegoat---except she should feel fucking lucky that ONE person in this house gives her the time of day and instead, she just verbally abuses him instead...ooh she makes me angry!!) about the mess, as though he was the one who made it.  It was me.  It was ALL me.  She's climbing over the bricks and through the WIRE fencing, to get to the empty sandbags yelling "HOW DID YOU LET THIS GET SO BAD!!!  THIS IS SUCH A MESS!!  IF I FALL IN HERE IT'LL BE YOUR FAULT!"  Oh, I wish he'd tell her "Listen, Grandma, get the fuck out of there before you break your goddamned hips and stop yelling at me because this mess NONE OF THIS IS YOUR BUSINESS!"  He will one day.  He used to talk to her like that.  And back then, she fucking deserved in, just as she does now.  Oh boy, though, when he did tell her to shut up when she was being mean to him, she acted like he was satan for doing so.  But then again, she thought the same of me at 17 when I used to mouth off to her.  Though again, she deserved it back then, too.  Because when I was 17, I was her biggest scapegoat and she was extremely cruel to me.

And now, since I took all her power away and she can't be mean to me, she now uses my son for her bitching and rude remarks.  Though, I will say most of that has lessened, too.  But not this day.

So, he told me what happened, and I went right outside and said "You are NOT allowed in the junk pile!  Are you stupid?  Because I don't think you're stupid (a lie, I do think she's stupid, but she needs to understand that she's making stupid decisions).  So why did you choose to do such a stupid thing??  I almost twist my own ankles walking through that, and yet you think YOU can do it?  You can't even walk a straight line on flat ground.  What's wrong with you?"  She just laughed and made jokes.  Oh that just irks me when she does that shit.  So I screamed "Oh, I am so glad you are taking me so seriously!  Get it into your head: you are NOT allowed to touch any garbage or anything that is not generated by you, got that?  And you are not allowed into that area again!"  She put on her baby voice and said "Okay."  I get I made her feel stupid, but why, oh why, she thought she could do such a thing and I'd be okay with it

Then she came into the house while I was washing dishes (oh, and the day before, Mr. Brooks was washing dishes and she kept bothering him about how "he does so much that he doesn't need to be washing dishes!" and I yelled at her to stop that shit, too, but she sees me washing dishes and says nothing, yet I also work my my ass off all day long around here-oh, it must be my job do them, then) and said "I get it.  I know what you mean now about what you said."  I looked at her and said "Okay, but you were bitching the entire time you were doing it."  She said "Out there?"  I said "while you were climbing around in that shit, you were yelling at my son about it, as though it was his fault, when I am the one who made the mess".  "Oh, I am always like that when I clean".  So, I replied "Well, that's stupid" in a really angry voice.  Because her anger about cleaning up pisses me off soooooooooo much, because there is ZERO reason to be angry about cleaning up.  ZERO.  See, for so long, I learned from her and would get so angry and mad when I'd have to clean up, yelling and screaming about how nobody else cleans up and blah blah blah and my kids would always get mad right back.  I never understood why.  They made the mess.  They expected me to clean it up.  I had every right to get mad.  Right?

But I eventually stood back and realized that most of the most wasn't always just them.  It was everyone in the house.  And even if it was them, they never once told me to clean it up.  I was the one who wanted to clean it.  And if I didn't clean it up, nobody was going to bitch that I didn't.  So, what was I mad about?  Also, something all parents should remember: I asked myself "Would I treat a neighbor child like this?  Would I yell if my neighbor kids came to my house and used dishes and didn't wash them?"  I know, a neighbor kid doesn't live at my house, but still.  We all treat those we live with worse than strangers because we're so comfortable with those we live with.  But do they deserve that?  The people we live with are most likely our family and most likely those we love the most.  Does our family deserve to be treated worse than those we know less?  That's something I learned to keep in my mind because treating our family badly is how we create issues in our kids.  It's how we give our kids wounds to heal later in life.  So I've taken to asking myself how I'd treat neighbor kids or how I want to look back in my life and be proud of how I treated my husband and my kids and do that, instead of flying off the handle reactively out of bad habits.  I do not want to be my mother.  AND, I do not want my children to pick up on the bad behavior I learned from my mother, who learned it from hers, etc. and have them give it to their kids, too.  Stop generational behaviors by treating your family in a way that you'll be proud of on your death bed.  

Ever heard of Swedish Death Cleaning?  Well, this is Swedish Death Parenting/Spousing.  When you're dead, what kind of trauma do you want to leave behind in your kids?  Oh, you say none?  Good.  Then try your best not to be your mother by choosing to treat your kids like neighbor kids when they do something you don't like.  And try to treat your spouse (if they are good spouses, like mine is) in a way that also doesn't damage them.  We have learned for so long, generations upon generations upon generations to be a bitch when the people we love the most do things we don't like.  It's normal.  It's expected.  It's the way things have always been.  And it's WRONG.  If you love someone, and do not want to leave this world with them having trauma and damage they have to heal from (from you), then start changing your mindset.  Start changing how you act when something happens that you don't like.  Yelling and screaming and calling everyone lazy and spewing blame and rudeness and whatever else we do, it's not okay.  Yes, sometimes we'll revert and do it, but if we apologize and say "It's just me, not you, why I act this way", we can heal some of the damage we've already done.  

Let's not be my mother laying on the bathroom floor scrubbing behind the toilet, screaming about how disgusting it is and how disgusting the people are in the house becuase they let it get so bad (it wasn't even bad, she was being a drama queen, per usual).  Let's not pick up our kids toys and scream about it.  Let's just stop fucking complaining right here, right now, today, in this moment.  I am making a pact with you: if I stop this behavior, and you stop this behavior, together we can create a new world where are not entitled to be angry that we have to do the things that we choose to do.  You don't have to clean.  Even if you feel like you do.  Neither does anyone else.  The fact we all expect everyone (and ourselves) to clean up is choice we are making.  We can get our kids and spouses to help clean up without screaming and yelling.  What on earth is there even to be mad about in the first place?  The expectation it should already be done?  That's something we learned from our mothers.  Even if we've asked a hundred times for someone do to something and they didn't do it, again, we're expecting them to do something they don't want to do.  It's not up to us who cleans up what.  But we deem ourselves the boss, so therefore all must listen to the boss, right?  

Okay, I'll roll with that.  So, are you a tyrant boss or motivational leader?  My husband is a motivational leader.  His boss is an asshole who yells and screams and points out flaws and mistakes.  So guess what?  Nobody learns from the asshole.  But everyone learns from the motivational leader.  My husband's employees love him.  They thank him for listening to them and for helping them achieve their goals and the goals asked of them.  He's moving positions soon and everyone is so sad to see him go.  Whereas everyone cannot wait until his boss retires.  Do you want your kids and husband to only be happy when you are not around them?  Think about that.  My father's only happiness was when my mother wasn't around.  Sometimes, I think he died to get away from her.  I don't want my kids to be like that with me.  Or my husband.  So I have to stop, and think before I react to something I do not like.  Not just cleaning.  But anything.  Then I respond.  Sure, I still react sometimes, but I always apologize and put the blame for my behavior squarely on me.  My mother never apologizes.  And when she does, it's a manipulation.  Or she takes it back and acts like she had every right to behave the way she did.  She's an asshole.  

I can't tell you how angry I was about this whole thing.  Oh god, I could not calm down.  I didn't show it by yelling and screaming (beyond me yelling at her about it), it was internal.  But I could not understand what it was triggering inside of me that got me so mad.  I mean, I thought she was better, and she had a meltdown again, so that's part of it, but why does it anger me at all??  What part of me was getting so triggered about it?  Part of it was the shame of her having to "clean up after me".  The fact that I knew she was sitting out there and judging me.  When she's quiet, I can forget she does that.  But this makes me realize she's always doing it, she just isn't voicing it.  The shame I feel for "being so messy" in her eyes, even though I grew up in filth, is just beyond anything I can explain.  But now, as an adult, it angers me more than shames me, because the things she's always said about me makes no sense.  "Oh, I could always tell which was your desk, because it would be overflowing with crap falling out of it".  Yet, her drawers and closets were always stuffed to the gills with shit falling out of them.  In fact, don't open the closet door or else you'll get hit with something.  But even if she was clean, to pass judgment on me like that, to think that I lived my childhood just being me.  I didn't think people were judging me based on my messy desk.  She'd also constantly say how I'd take paper out of the recycling box at school and bring it home.  As though I was some kind of trash hoarder.  But I took that paper to use it.  Not just stuff it into my room.  My mother has created so much shame in me for being who I am that any little thing that triggers it by her just gets me all riled up.  

Living with her is bad for healing.  I am not sure I can do it.  I am not sure I am not being more damaged by living with her.  I do think sometimes I have been given a unique opportunity to heal by living with her, by taking the times I am triggered like this and learn how to cope with them and even transform that triggered feeling into a laughable moment.  Because why not laugh at how stupid my mother is?  Why get angry?  She's an idiot who does idiotic things.  And she's always been an idiot, so why would I care if she did judge me as a child?  

As they say, you have to feel it to heal it.  So I've felt it.  Now, it's time to work on healing it.  But the first way to heal myself to stop treating my kids and my husband the way she treated me.  Then, work on being a motivational leader for my family, rather than an asshole boss.  To give my kids the tools to thrive in life, rather than them having to work on healing themselves from the damage I've caused.  And to treat my husband with more respect, rather than taking out my bad moods on him.  And then work on identifying the triggers as they come up and remind that little part of me who's getting triggered "Mother is an idiot.  Don't care what an idiot thinks of you."  And also apologize to my family when I do get triggered and take it out on them (because that will happen to all of us). 

My mother lives with us.  She's not my family.  But I don't want to treat her like crap, either.  I want to treat her like exactly what she is: a lower-functioning neighbor who lives in my home that I have to take care of.  I would never treat someone like that badly.  I would giggle at their stupid antics and treat them like a little kid.  And I wouldn't let them trigger me, either.  Because look...look at who and what they are.  They are nothing to be threatened by.  They are just some old person who acts like a child.  That's it.  I have to keep this in mind at all times.  So if they do something stupid, I shouldn't even yell at them.  Or take offense when they are mean.  They're an idiot.  Just let them be an idiot.  And talk to them as though they are a child.  Because mentally, they are.  Even if a narc doesn't have dementia, they are nothing but a child inside.  And so why get triggered by a child?  They don't know enough yet to be an authority on anything, much less an authority on you.  So why should what they say bother us at all?  

So that's my rambling for today.  I think I feel better now, after working out my thoughts and feelings on paper.  Or on screen.  Whatever.  I hope what I said made some sort of sense.  Okay, off to go wash the dishes and let the chickens out.  

If you have ADHD or have someone you love with it, you may have heard of something called "rejection sensitive dysphoria".  Here is a link on it.  It's when someone disagrees with you, says something rude, or rejects you in some way (or rejects what you're saying) that you feel such a level of shame that you immediately turn to one of two things: rage or utter sadness.  And it can range anywhere from minor anger to all out rage (and if left in a prolonged state, it can lead to really bad behavior), minor sadness to crying (and if left in a prolonged state, suicidal ideation).  

And I think that's what narcissistic rage is.  In fact, I know it is.  The differences are that a) most RSD doesn't last long (but it can, if you don't do the work to stop it) and b) narcs have no idea how to stop it, so they take it to the biggest level they can.  Narcissistic rage comes on after we defy them or disagree with them or get angry with them or stand up for ourselves, etc.  And by us telling them they are wrong (even if we're not, it feels that way for them), they view it as an attack on them, even though we may mean nothing by it at all.  Their shame, their unending, unyielding, bottomless pit of shame gets triggered and then the rage happens to protect them from feeling that shame.  

I think the sociopathic stare is the same thing.  I think it's their shame welling up, and they are trying to get a handle on it, so they do nothing but stare.  My mother does this a lot.  And then, when they come out of that little trance, they usually react with screaming or tantrums or threats.  Or she ignores me.  

Anyways, I think that's it.  

And RSD has to do with ADHD, but here are my thoughts on this: what if it's not?  Black and white thinking can affect people with ASD and narcissists and those with borderline personality disorder.  Issues like these are not just a "one size fits all" thing.  They can overlap easily.  I see so many traits that align people with ASD and narcissism.  But not all people with ASD are narcs.  But what if all narcs had ASD?  Most of the ones I know have both.  My ex, his mom, his sister, my birth-grandma, my aunt (birth), my mom's BFF Christmas, the ding-dong next door, and so many more.  They all have very clear ASD and very clear NPD.  I don't know, it's just an observation.  That's all.  But ADHD definitely has to do with ASD (I think ASD is the real issue and ADHD is a part of it), which lends more to my theory about NPD being correlated with ASD, as RSD (so many freaking acronyms, sorry!) is most definitely the cause of narcissistic rage, and it's supposedly only associated with ADHD.  

Well, that was a mouthful.  

Anyways, I think I get it.  I think get the knee-jerk anger reactions that narcs get, because I see it in my oldest son, who has moderate ADHD, and he's not a narcissist.  I can clearly see the same line of thinking.  BUT my son can calm down pretty quickly if we figure out exactly what's bothering him about what I said.  But a narc can't.  They can't listen to reason.  They have an inability to see anything other than through the lens of them being a victim.  There is no grey area (black and white thinking, ya'll).  So, they won't listen no matter how hard you try to explain yourself.  And they fucking love it.  It's addictive, that drama.  And they live for it.  People with ADHD also thrive on drama because it lights up the pre-frontal cortex of their brain (which feels good).  Which is why kids with ADHD can be so destructive or busy or argumentative.  But maybe it does that in narcs, too?  I have no idea.  Many of the overt narcs I know seem to have ADHD and almost all of the coverts I know have ASD (though some of those still seem to have ADHD, too).  I have no idea if there is a correlation, but maybe.  Again, not all people with ADHD or ASD are narcs.  I have both of these things, which is why I know a lot about both (because I research things until I wear them out).  Actually, both my kids and my hubby and I all have both.  My ex does, too, but he is a narc.  

I don't know.  I think someone should look into this if they haven't already.  I will search it and see what comes up.  But if you know of any info on this, please share it with me, because I am interested in learning more.  

Well, would you look at that: 

I will say that nobody really liked her article as it does have a thousand flaws in it.  But at least someone else is thinking along the same lines.  Though remember, I do not think that all people with ASD are narcissists or that NPD is on the ASD spectrum.  But, like I said, I never met a narc who didn't seem to have ASD.  At least not the covert ones.  Though ex-MIL is an overt one and has ASD, as does her daughter, my ex-SIL.  My now SIL has lower-functioning ASD and is not a narc.  But her mother has higher functioning ASD and is a total narc.  As does my BIL, her son.  (mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law)

So, my conclusion is that I have no idea.  Other than RSD being at the core of narcissistic rage.  Because that's plain as day.  And to understand something takes it power away.  It doesn't have to control you if you get where it's coming from.  Also, it will help you predict it before it happens so you can stay away from hot triggers.  But sometimes they're unavoidable.  All I can say about that is to stop letting it scare you and eventually, it will lessen.  I stopped reacting to my mother's rage, and now she never throws a fit anymore.  I can't remember the last time it happened.  

So yeah, take my correlation between ASD and NPD with a grain of salt.  I am just thinking on the screen here.  Do your own research.  Learn about ASD, everything you can about it, and see if the idea matches up with the narcs you know, too.  Just like Sesame Street has always told us to be aware: 

Oh Elmo, it's Grover.  It's always been Grover.  And maybe Oscar the Grouch, too.  

Don't you wish it was that easy, though?  "Flip the flaps to find out!"  Life would be so much easier if we had a narc manual that listed all the narcissists in our lives.   So, make one yourself.  

Anyways, those are my crazy ideas for today.  More to come later, because I am full of crazy ideas.