Finally Getting Better


Yesterday I didn't take any pain relievers until bedtime, so I am on the mend, FINALLY.  Fifteen days after starting with this adenovirus.  Mr. Brooks is getting better.  But today, he gets a migraine!  Yay!  He's just starting to feel better only to be bedridden again.  Sigh.  Not fair, but migraines never are.

The symptoms of adenovirus are very similar to covid-19, so it's easy to believe you have covid (again), which we did and both got tested and we were both negative.  It all started with a sore throat that literally lasted the entire duration.  Like someone stabbing me in my tonsils.  Then there was the deep nasal congestion with postnasal drip that was so horrendous that made my actual throat start hurting.  I could breathe through my nose, but it was constantly in the back of my nose near my throat.  Then it moved into my sinuses.  Also the constant sneezing (though that could be a "me" thing, as I am a ridiculous sneezer, even when I am healthy).  But mostly it was the coughing.  The bronchial spasms.  I had them all two weeks and today, now that I am a LOT better, I realize I have a pulled muscle in the back of my throat from coughing so much, and it hurts so freaking bad.  And my nasal passages were so dry my nose would bleed.  But eventually then my nose would start running and would get stuffed up.  Then came the headache, which I think may have been a migraine that lasted for days (as I had a sore spot on the back of my head where it hurt, which can happen after a migraine).  I wasn't tired though.  Which I found strange, as I eventually was getting almost no sleep at night, due to my post nasal drip that was so bad that it triggered me into all night pharyngeal spasms (where your throat closes and shuts off to prevent you from drowning).  That was the absolute worst part of it all.  Feeling like I'd never get sleep again.  I did stay up almost 24 hours one night due to to this.  I still have this issue a little bit.  Then came the conjunctivitis.  For some reason the conjunctivitis, both times we've gotten this bad adenovirus (though this one wasn't as bad as last time), came at the end of the sickness.  Viral conjunctivitis isn't like bacterial conjunctivitis.  It can't be treated with any sort of antibiotic cream or anything (but is highly contagious) and doesn't always have that red bump you get on the lash line.  The last time I got this from adenovirus it was pretty bad.  This time was very minor.  

Gross, I know.  But I want a record of this so if I ever get it again, I can look back at my symptoms and realize I've been through it before.  It helps my anxiety.  Of course, my mother fawned over my husband being sick, grilling us on him going to the doctor, but never ONCE said a fucking word about me being sick.  Even though my bronchial spasms were insane I couldn't catch my breath when coughing...she heard me.  She knew I was sick.  But see, she wanted me to know that she didn't care.  Well, point taken, Seahag.  I mean, I already knew this, but now that my hubby and I were sick together at the same time, she really showed her true colors the way she worried so much about my husband and never said a word about me being sick to either me or anyone else for that matter.  Once again, she's in the running for Mother of the Year award.  

So, we decided, due to being sick for half of the month with only ONE WEEK LEFT OF OUR FAVORITE MONTH, we're cancelling Halloween.  We are BIG Halloween people and really went all out last year with a project and everything, but I cannot and will not force myself to do a bunch of work, only to have to take it down a week later.  I don't even know if I could do it anyways, as I get winded when I walk around too much.  Fucking annoying, but it is what it is, and we'll do Halloween better next year.  

Now I just have to bring the candy back.  If I could only find my receipt.  

Instead, I am going to work on my Halloween village (it's very small) that I am going to make.  I've got everything I need, and I watched a bunch of YouTube videos on it, so I have some new ideas.  So, I just have to find a place to work on it (oooh my garage!), and it will be fun.  That way I get to participate in the season, without having to do any manual labor (just creative labor, which I prefer).  I will post pictures on here as I go.  

I had to take Tylenol today because of that pulled muscle in my throat, as it hurts, but not because I feel sick enough to need it.  Thank goodness.  Hopefully this pain will go away soon, and we'll start to get our strength back, and we'll be able to participate in autumnal activities (like the apple orchard--I want to pet goats!).  

Okay, we'll my kids are doing their WWII reenacting (they do it every weekend), my hubby is sleeping with his migraine, my dogs are napping, and the Seahag is seahagging it up somewhere.  So I am on my own.  Do I want to read outside?  Or do I want to clean?  Well, I think I'll do both.  Though cleaning means the Seahag will eventually find me and bother me, so that's fun.  But I've been sick for two fucking weeks and I haven't been able to do much of anything, so I know we need cleaning done.  I did do a little yesterday, so maybe I'll just do smaller bits today, too.  If I push myself, I'll feel wiped and horrible, and that's not what I want for my Sunday Funday.  

Okay, so a little big of organization.  A little bit of cleaning off the kitchen table area (we live out in the country so there's bags of things to burn--I can do one instead of all of them).  Clean out my son's laundry basket I stole for nefarious purposes and give it back to him.  And then set up a table in the garage to get started on my spooky village!  My neighbor sold me these little clay houses I'm going to use for it.  Then I can read later.  I'm on the last book of a series I'm reading.  Oh!  I will listen to an audiobook while I paint the houses!  Yes.  That way I can smell two birds with one nose (it's better than killing them, right? what kind of psycho throws stones at birds?).  Speaking of birds, I want to make friends with a crow.  Not sure how I will accomplish that, like ever, but that's not for today to worry about.  That's project for another time.  Today I have another things to do.  Let's see how much I get done. 

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