So Much Fun


I had my endoscopy yesterday.  They called me on Tuesday and said "Can you come tomorrow?" I said yes.  I was terrified, but I did it.  And I had to go into the procedure and prep alone, without my husband, and while I was very panicked, it ended up being okay.  I also remember waking up thinking I dreamed about Scooby Doo.  But I am not if you dream under sedation or not.  

They said my throat was great and there were no lesions and while I did have polyps in my stomach, they looked normal and the guy said he had the same ones.  But they did biopsies on them, as well as my small intestine to check for celiac's and also a biopsy or something to check for H. Pylori.  So, everything should come back in a week to see if anything comes up, if not, then I have no idea what to do next.  I am hoping it all just goes away with my new diet, but I can't even get a new diet until I start getting better as I can't eat much of anything and what I can eat, I have to eat every single day.  It's annoying.  

But, I do seem to be getting better in some regards as I can eat more than I used to be able to.  So that's something.  Not only that, smelling food doesn't make me want to puke anymore, now it smells good.  So that's a step in the right direction.  When I can start eating more normal again, I am fully committing to a PBWF diet (plant based whole foods) with a small amount of cheese and/or a small amount of meat once a week.  Considering I am doing well on a similar diet now (though it's highly limited), I think I can do it this time.  There is a great YouTube channel and website called "Well Your World" that I am going to start getting recipes from so I can do this right.  Unlike last time where I got so hungry because I couldn't figure out what to cook.  

On the mother front, she's been off in her own little world, which I don't blame her as she has her own issues to worry about.  I just hate that I have to worry about hers and mine, when I'd rather just concentrate on mine (and my family's).  But the time for a home is coming soon, as she's losing her ability to walk.  But she can still get around for now, so we'll see.  

She's been pushing back on getting away from us after she's been smoking again...I thought we were done with this issue??  But I guess not.  I've also realized she NEVER washes her hands.  Well, soon we'll have a new shower, a new bathroom floor and a new sink.  So there will be no excuse (and I'll have signs posted everywhere to remind her--though that will happen before the sink is put in, because EW!).  

Okay, that's it for now.  I am sure I could write more but that's really all I can think of.  I just want this acid reflux to go away as I feel like everything in my body is burning.  Ugh.  

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