What is wrong with my birthmother?


Okay, so my son tried to grow...I will say they're called "potatoes", last year.  He wanted to see if it would cure his anxiety.  He grew his own potatoes and he tried them, and at first, it seemed promising.  But soon enough, his potatoes made him sick.  And every time he tried a new way to combat his sickness, the sickness got worse.  He tried every single way out there and then some to make this work.  During this time, he got off his meds so the potatoes did not interact and mess things up in his brain.  But because of that, his anxiety got worse and worse and so did the sickness that the potatoes were causing.  And eventually (and very reluctantly) he got back on his meds and quit eating potatoes.  He hasn't had them in almost a year now.  

My son was born with anxiety (he has SPD pretty badly with his ASD/ADHD).  Sensory processing disorder is why those of us with ASD get anxiety.  But now his meds are working again and helping him get back to normal, which is great.  My son was sooooooooooo disappointed that the potatoes didn't help him, even though the world tells you that they will (potatoes are SUPER popular right now).  They make it sound almost like a guarantee, and it's just not.  

So, my birthmother kept talking about trying potatoes herself.  I accidentally told her last year that my son was growing potatoes for himself and she instantly wanted some.  I wasn't offering.  But not only did she want some, she told her brother about it and he wanted some, too!!  Oh god, no!!  My son wasn't planning on sharing his potatoes, esp. since my birthmother lives out of state.  My son only grew his own due to the fact that he didn't want to get hurt trying someone else's potatoes that could be bad or something.  He wanted to do everything safely for himself.  He did tons of research and tried to cure his anxiety with this "miracle" tuber.  But he wasn't a farmer with a roadside stand.  And he wasn't going to share his potatoes with anyone else.  But she really, really wanted some potatoes.  So, I ignored her, because I wasn't about whatever it was she was trying to involve us in.

So yesterday she emails me with a bunch of information about her life and at the end of the email, she adds in a long paragraph about how she's ready to eat some potatoes, she just needs to get the potatoes.  And so I said "Yeah, I have no idea where you'd find any yourself, but my son doesn't eat potatoes anymore as they have waaay too many carbs and they make him super sick."  She's all like "Oh, he can just drink some ginger, tea and he'll be fine."  

Insert laughter here.  If she knew my son better, she'd know that just suggesting some offhand thing to do is just nonsense, as my kid is a thorough researcher and knows everything there is know about potatoes due to his research (he knows everything about whatever it is in life that has become a passion of his).  And ginger tea?  Is like putting a band-aid on a broken arm.  I get it, she doesn't know that.  But it's just silly to think that everyone thinks that everyone needs advice on things they know nothing about.  Instead, one should ask "Oh, what did he do to combat that?" rather than assume we have no idea on what to do.  I need to remember to do that myself.  To remember that unsolicited advice is just silly.  Instead, ask questions.  Because we all do that sometimes.  And most of the time the advice is just asinine and the other person has probably already tried that.  

Anyways, my issue has nothing to do with ginger tea.  My issue is inviting yourself to things that aren't yours.  My mother's BFF used to bring over egg cartons to take our chicken eggs.  I would always say "no" because I never offered her any, why did she assume I was giving them away?  Sure, my mother may have told she could have some, but who is my mother to give away MY things without asking?  And why is my birthmother asking for things like potatoes, when potatoes are not cheap to grow, nor are they okay to just share with others?  I wasn't asking her to pay for them, that would be worse.  But just because my son has something she wanted and she can't find them elsewhere, why on earth would she just assume he'd share?  But even if he had shared with her...which he did not, why on EARTH would she tell her stupid crazy brother about it and assume he was allowed to have some potatoes, too?  Potatoes are not easy to grow.  And they are not...well, you know, kosher.  So, they (my birthmother and her brother) are putting my son in danger and assume he'll just give them some?  What in the actual fuck? 

Well, we don't have potatoes in our house.  Neither does my son.  So, it has nothing to do with us anymore.  She can go buy some potatoes at the grocery store or wherever she can find some.  Or she can become a gardener and grow her own.  Whatever she chooses to do has nothing to do with us she can stop telling me about it.  I am so annoyed that she not only assumed my son would share, but that she told other people and offered them things that weren't theirs to offer in the first place.  Again, what in the actual fuck??

The more I know this woman, the more I realize she's a clueless ninny.  And the more she makes me angry.  Though, it was my fault for telling her to begin with.  I know better now.  And she's not a safe person to share ANYTHING with.  And I really need to stop telling her things.  

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