Which would you pick, man or bear?



Has the world gone fucking stupid?  

Huh?  Has everyone turned into morons??  I WAS LITERALLY REMOVED FROM A FACEBOOK GROUP (a group who's sole purpose was created for making online friends with other neurodivergent people) FOR NOT PICKING BEAR!  What has this world come to?????  WHY WOULD YOU PICK A BEAR?????  AND WHY IN THE HOLY HELL DO YOU CARE WHAT I WOULD PICK??!!

I have met many men in my life and most of them have not raped me.  I have been alone in places with men I don't know and none of them have raped me.  I have ONLY been raped by men I know and I've been raped more times that I care to count (for real, I honestly have lost track and I have no idea of the number).  And you know what?  If I see a fucking bear in the wild??  I AM GOING TO FREEZE AND BE QUIET AND HOPE IT DOESN'T SEE ME!  Because bears fucking eat people!!!  

If I am lost in the woods, how THE FUCK is a bear going to help save me????  That bear could attack me, and I have zero way to defend myself.  But a man could save me.  Esp. if that man is a forest ranger!  But even if he's another hiker, sure, he could rape me.  But he, most likely, will help me find my way home.  Assuming that because some men rape others that all men will rape IS THE SAME FUCKING THING AS ASSUMING A BLACK PERSON IS GOING TO ROB YOU BECOME SOME BLACK PEOPLE ARE CRIMINALS!! 

"Well, Shay, the statistics say that a large amount of men rape people, so the odds are..."

"Well, my fine moron, statistics also say that large amount of black men are criminals, so the odds are....WAIT, that's racist!  No!  We can't assume that!!  And we should NOT assume that!!  So, the same applies to men, you fucking dumbasses!!"  

So, let me ask you, you helpless little idiot woman, why are you walking in the woods alone, without a weapon?  Oh, you were with your family, but your dumbass got lost?  I am going to tell you right now, you should NOT be hiking in the woods with your family, in bear country!  Are you fucking stupid?  If you're going hiking IN BEAR COUNTRY, you should always bring a weapon, because if you don't, you deserve to be mauled by a bear.  Because that same weapon would protect you against a man, and could possibly protect you against a bear (bear spray works for more than just bears, ladies!) 

If my ass is lost in the wild, you better be sure I'd be carrying something that would keep me as safe as I possibly could be.  And I come across a man, I will watch him from afar at first, and see if he looks normal.  If so, I will approach him and ask for help.  And most likely, he will help me without raping me.  But I can't ask a bear for help, as I will be avoiding that thing at all costs!!  Because I know the bear will not only not help me, but will put me in danger.  The man?  Well, I should be armed with something that I can fight him off with.  And I tell you what, if a man is out prowling in the woods for rape victims??  Then he's going to kill his victims, too.  So...he's better of being dead.  "So, try to rape me in the woods, motherfucker, and see what happens!  See how now we're going both be stuck in the woods, but one of us is never leaving and it won't be me (well, unless nobody finds me).  Maybe I can find a bear to ride out of the wilderness while I carry a flag made your shirt (after I search your body for a phone or something else I could use)?"  

So the question is not "man or bear?" because that's the wrong fucking question.  It's "What kind of weapon am I bringing on a bear country hike?"  and "If I am so scared of men, why don't I already have my conceal carry license?"  or "Why do I participate in silly thought experiments without actually thinking them through properly?"  Because bears don't just roam in any woods.  They roam in bear country.  And if you are stupid enough to enter woods without making sure if you are in bear country or not, then you deserve to be eaten by a bear.  If you find out that the woods you want to hike in is bear country, then why are you not bringing a weapon to protect yourself (my mother once hiked in a bear country in Alaska with a can of pennies.....yes, the sound scares them off, but what if it didn't?--so, she deserved to be eaten by a bear, but alas, she was not...sigh)?  And if you are a human, woman OR man, hiking alone in the woods, why are you not bringing a weapon??  Are you stupid?  Even at your city parks, if there are woods and you are alone, you need a weapon, period (not for bears, but muggers, rappers, and murderers).  Otherwise you're not prepared for life and you should go back home and hide in your house and think about why you are out there tempting fate.  Because other humans are dangerous.  Not because you think everyone man is a rapist, but because other human beings, PERIOD, are violent.  We are animals, just like bears.  So asking "man or bear" is like asking "moose or alligator".  Both will kill you in a heartbeat (faster than a man can rape you!).  

"But Shay, didn't you just prove my point?"  Yes, ma'am, I did.  But I also proved MY point: arm yourself because this world is fucked and is filled with violence.  Carry bear spray, pepper spray, or anything you can to protect your own safety (oh this reminds me, I need new pepper spray).  Because only YOU can prevent forest fires (and attacks to your body).  

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