August 2024


My mother has been pretty docile for awhile so.  So much so, that I don't feel like the other shoe is waiting to drop, like I used to when she would be good for a period of time.  With her, it only lasted for so long before she'd do or say something hurtful, or mean.  Now her only interactions with me are asking to do her bidding (washing her clothes, getting her snacks, etc.) or to complain about her illnesses.  Which is blissful.  I will say it gets too much at times, because if she's left with unfettered access to me, she will never stop asking for things.  But most of the time, it's pretty harmless and boring.  

This is what I've always wanted.  And I am working on healing from her abuse while she's alive, so I don't have to do what I did with my dad when he died and wait 12 years or more to heal.  I still find myself pretty angry (not at her directly, but just internally) when I think about the horrible things she's done to me.  But I will say each day it's less and less...well, until something else comes up that I need to process.  It will be long going, I know.  But for now, it's better than it ever has been.  I prefer calm and quiet over me always having a stomachache over what she'll do or say next.  

Today I had ChatGPT write out a note to my husband's boss (the woman from my last post) as a response to her bullying me, and I am so very grateful AI exists because without it, I could never express myself in this way.  So, this is what it came up with: 

"Dear [Her Name],

Also, thank you for your unique observation about my hair at [husband’s name]’s going away party. It’s always interesting to see how people express themselves in social settings. I hope the moment gave you the sense of superiority you were aiming for.

Wishing you more opportunities to feel good about yourself.

Best regards,


I mean it's cutting, but not in a harmful way.  Like, it's not insulting to her, but it sure lets her know that she was insulting.  I love it!  It's already in the envelope ready to send!  I just hope it's the right address.  If it's not, I will have another one of his old coworkers give a card to her from me LOL  

In other news, my store is finally opening.   I am busting my ass getting all my stock together and I cannot wait to be done.  I have a very long to do list, but I am confident I will get it all done in time.  I am in a flea market style fair in September, and I have a big huge tent (with windows) for it and I am very excited!  I need to get my inventory done ASAP so I can worry about decorating my space.  But right now, I am just working hard getting stuff done.  Oh, I got the proof for the journal I created and it looks amazing!  So I will publish it and put in my order for them to sell a the show.  I am very happy it turned out so well :)  

That's all for now.  It's 10pm and I haven't made any dinner yet, so I bet go do that.  

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