Today was weird (because of the therapist)


My new therapist and I have finished my intake interview.  Finally.  After THREE sessions.  Ugh.  And now my first actual appointment is with her.  And I am scared to ask for a new therapist.  Even though I know for 100% fact I don't want to see her again.  There is a little voice inside of me that says "But what if you're wrong?  What if you're being rash?  What if you're being too picky?  What if you're just an idiot and she's actually really nice?"  I know none of these things are true.  I know this.  I am a good judge of character and every single person I give the benefit of the doubt, I am always right about.  Every single person I say "what if?" to, I always end up realizing that I was right to begin with.  So, why do I not just trust that?  Why do I second-guess myself?  

Because everyone second guesses me.  Everyone tells me I am too rash in my judgement of others.  But don't they see I am normally right?  Don't they end up always telling me "Boy, I should have listened to you, you were right!"?  Yes.  They do.  So, why do I let them get into my head?  And why am I listening to that little voice inside my own head?  Because I don't want to be an asshole.  Today, she wasn't so bad.  I mean, she was, but I kept quiet more.  When I did talk, she'd interrupt me, AND then talk over me so much I can't interrupt her back so I can finish my thought and then sometimes she'll change the subject before I can speak again.  Sigh.  So, I didn't say much.  

When I am allowed to speak, she almost never responds to what I say, and instead relates something back to herself instead.  So again, it's like I am in a one-sided conversation with myself.  And I do not like the way it makes me feel.  And in the beginning, when I told her the certain things I do not like that therapists do, she said "Well, be prepared, I do those things."  And I am thinking like "WELL DON'T!!"  Like for one, she never writes down what your homework is.  And I am thinking "Well, then I will never do it, because you won't freaking remember what it is.  I could just lie about it."  LOL  

And today, she asked "What do you think will hamper your therapy  with us?"  Meaning, what I could do, as a client, to block my own therapy.  I wanted to say "You."  Or "A bad therapist."  But I didn't.  I just said "I can't think of anything."  She gave me the vibe that she didn't believe me.  And she puts a LOT of words into my mouth and does it regularly.  I wanted my response to that to be:

She's high strung.  Very ADHD.  Barely has a sense of humor.  Is judgmental.  And pushy.  Everything I hate in other human beings.  Okay, not the ADHD part, but the part of the ADHD (which has to be more than just ADHD) where she can't notice her own flaws and does such ADHD stuff (NPD, perhaps?).  When I interrupt people, I KNOW I am doing it and I apologize.  She, on the other hand, not only doesn't realize it, she doesn't seem to care.  As I will try to finish my thought, to show her she's interrupting me, and she just refuses to stop talking.  Sigh.  

Okay, I think I will call tomorrow and see how easy it is to change.  Oh yeah, she also tried to push me into coming to her group thingy...which is 16 weeks of her talking to a group of people and at the end, we get to ask questions or share.  Yes, it's not group therapy, it's lectures.  From her ADHD ass.  At 10am every week.  Um, no thank you.  She kept talking about how much work she puts into it (which I don't doubt she does) and how she really wished more people would come and I said "That's too early for me.  I can't function outside of my home that early".  It was like she didn't even hear me and just kept pushing me to go.  She also thought it was super weird I said I didn't want any friends.  Like, she made a sound and a face, which I found super rude.  Hold your opinions inside of your own head, therapists.  Especially judgmental asshole opinions.  

Funny.  She seems like the kind of person who only has one-sided friendships, so even if she has "friends", I guarantee you they're not actually friends.  They just put up with her.  

I am being mean here, but I need to remind myself of her shitty behavior so I keep the courage to switch tomorrow.  

Okay, I am tired AF.  I need to sleep.  Tomorrow I am getting ready for a craft show I am going to be in on Saturday.  Thank goodness.  I can finally hopefully get rid of the products I made for the last craft show that I missed.  

OH yes, I forgot, to add that I am very, very afraid to let her know just much I know about psychology for fear of stepping on her toes.  I did a little today and she was not receptive, like at all.  So, yeah.  She seems to be one of those people that wants to be the smartest person in the room.  

Okay, that's all for now.  Time to sleep.  Ugh, I am tired 24/7 lately.  I go through this a few times a year.  And I hate it.  

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